Author: Tracy Spears
Page: 11
Too many people are so busy they have forgotten about being productive. There is a huge difference and top performers know it. Productive is doing the things that make you or the company money. It’s doing the things that have the greatest impact on the business (or your life). It’s not just pounding through some […]
1. Leadership is influence. Exceptional leaders influence decisions, enthusiasm, actions, possibilities, confidence, beliefs, direction, and culture. Influence is what an exceptional leader does, and it shows up in myriad ways. The tactics can and will change; the definition will not. 2. Leadership is not a talent. Leadership is a skill and a craft. It can […]
…..committed to your own personal growth. How can you be trusted to help cultivate other people’s potential when you aren’t living up to your own? It’s one of the biggest reasons people ultimately fail at developing other people, which is the primary function of leadership…AND of parents! Most people have heard the phrase “fake it […]
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a leader, firing someone is never easy. We take on the emotional response of the person that is about to lose their job and forget that NOT firing someone sometimes creates bigger issues for the overall team. Who just came to mind? Do you have someone right now […]
Have you noticed that transparency is getting a lot of lip service these days? It has found its way into a lot of mission statements and corporate credos. The big question is: Are leaders being more transparent or are they just talking about it in an attempt to gain trust from their teams? Transparency is […]
We’ve probably all heard the saying….”Your growth in life will be determined by the people you meet and the books you read”. Another favorite is “You are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with”. It definitely makes you think, doesn’t it? These statements lead back to the question in the […]
All leaders understand the need for “performance management” meetings. Having that crucial conversation with an underperforming person on your team will often be the difference in whether they stay or go. Leaders who don’t have these kinds of talks miss the opportunity to help their people grow. Another crucial conversation that exceptional leaders conduct is […]
We are heading toward an energy crisis. Not the one that involves fracking and higher gas prices, this one that is much more important. It is a crisis concerning our own personal energy. There is a ton of research being done about how stress and poor eating affect our bodies, yet too few of us […]
First of all, congratulations! Being asked to take over a new area of responsibility is a fantastic opportunity for a leader. The situation allows you, possibly for the first time in a long time, to look at things with fresh eyes. Everyone gets a clean slate, the people on the team and the leader herself. […]
How many people on your team have gotten a bad rap because you judged them too quickly? Or too harshly? Or maybe you made a hasty decision about them in the beginning of their career instead of factoring in their growth over time? It’s lazy to fail to see the changes in the people you […]
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