Year: 2014

Page: 2

Extroverts have a one step process for thinking and speaking. They speak while attempting to form their point of view.   An extrovert is often fast paced. They process information out loud because they have an external thinking process. When you ask an Extrovert a question, what do you typically get? You get an answer. Eventually […]


You did it. After combing through tons of resumes and interviewing everyone that showed an interest, you hired the perfect person for the job. The first few weeks are exciting, even a relief. You immediately trust that your new hire will be able to tackle their new position with complete competence and execution, which they […]


Leadership Equals Paying Attention ~ by Wally Schmader Many progressive books on leadership correctly identify positive recognition, as one of the most powerful means a leader has to influence results. Leaders who take the time to recognize where success is happening on their teams, will always out-produce leaders who focus on what is broken or what […]


Last week we talked about the 4 Stages of Learning.  This week we will talk about what your team needs from you, as a coach, to be unconsciously competent in their performance.  They need 4 things from you to get to stage 4.  They need a vision, a plan, repetition, and a cheerleader. 1.  The […]


Often times, the best players aren’t the best coaches.  Think about the golfer that has a natural swing or the baseball/softball player that gets a great jump on the ball. Or maybe even the tennis player that has a 130 mile an hour serve. How do they become great at their sport?   How did […]


I love a good debate.  I actually get nervous when everyone agrees with what the “boss” is saying without pushing back.  My experience has been that some people don’t understand the value diverse opinions can bring to the situation. They see the push back as antagonistic, disrespectful, and/or slowing the group down.  Perhaps it can slow […]


No matter how old I am, at times my parents still think I’m 8, maybe even 18.  Recently, I heard my Mother say to my father, “She won’t eat brussels sprouts, she hates them.” I’ve also heard her say other things that perhaps were true when I was a kid but are no longer valid. […]


I didn’t say hello?  I didn’t even see you.  I didn’t respond to your Facebook post?  I never even read it.  I didn’t call you back?  Was I supposed to?  I didn’t comment on your email?  Is that the one that was so long I had no idea what the point was when I finished? […]


One of the key functions of Leadership is the ability to effectively manage group discussions. When you open the discussion up to include others, you always risk going off subject and ending up in the middle of tangents.  Some of that can actually be productive and some can be a total waste of time. Either […]


You seem calm, cool and collected.  People think you are either very wise or completely oblivious to what is going on around you. We both know you aren’t oblivious – being an introvert, this is just your natural style of interacting. Since Introverts think before they speak, most Introverted leaders aren’t usually the first to speak […]
