EP 24 | Discovering Your Signature with Carol Seymour

Written by on April 4, 2023

Carol Seymour may be playing bigger than anyone I’ve ever interviewed — and her bold moves have helped me to play much bigger in my own life.

Carol is an accomplished business leader, one of Real Leaders Magazine’s Top 40 Women Keynote Speakers for 2020, and the founder of Signature Leaders, an organization that accelerates women into next-level leadership through its outstanding professional development programs. Signature Leaders was recognized as one of Inc.’s 5000 Fastest Growing Private Companies in 2022 and has helped more than 3000 global leaders create greater impact and influence.

In this conversation, we talk about the biggest shifts that led Carol to leadership development, how a single program led to massive market-leading success, and how selling Girl Guide cookies helped a pre-teen Carol uncover one of her greatest superpowers.

Ready to play bigger? Listen now to discover: 

  • How Carol shifted from growing someone else’s company to building her own — and the key piece of advice that helped her make the leap
  • How she masterfully handled a tricky product recall at the age of just 27
  • Why facilitating a high-pressure Q&A with an Italian business leader led to one of her biggest shifts


Guest bio: Carol Seymour is a sought-after business leader and seasoned global executive of large and mid-cap size companies and private-equity-backed turnarounds. Her personal brand is all about catalyzing growth. She took her business success and married it with her passion for leadership, founding Signature Leaders in 2013.  She is a Founding Member of Paradigm for Parity.


01:36  Intro

03:16  Meet Carol Seymour

05:28  Networking & London

07:51  Women, competition & community

11:30  The sales shifts

13:49  Product recall story

17:22  Shifting into new chapters

21:59  Sergio Marchionne interview story

26:20  Starting Signature Leaders

28:41  Board of advisors & key advice

34:32  Burnout & core capabilities

36:50  Leadership takeaways for women & men

43:50  What’s next

48:10  Wisdom Warriors



Carol Seymour



Wisdom Warriors: Women with the Courage to be True to Themselves


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