Author: Tracy Spears
Page: 12
How important is employee morale at your company? My guess it’s probably not something that you think about until it’s so low you can’t stand being around anyone. Are you more or less in tune with the employee experience at your company than you were 5-10 years ago? If you’re not as concerned, is […]
Extroverted leaders have an open-door policy. They will often initiate the conversation, as they love to engage with other people. Since they’re approachable, the idea of bouncing an idea off of them is welcomed and reciprocated. Remember, they process what they’re thinking by talking out loud, so they’re usually looking for someone to provide feedback. […]
The ability to actually develop people over time is one of the most significant differences between leaders and managers. Managers have the mindset to do the best they can with the people they have, while leaders learn how to take the people they have and make them better. Most experienced leaders and coaches know that […]
You seem cool, calm, and collected. People think you’re either very wise or completely oblivious to what is going on, but we both know you aren’t. In a society that values the fast talker, the first to speak, the one holding court at the front of the room, let’s agree that this short-sided point of […]
Last week we talked about the 4 Stages of Learning. This week we will talk about the 4 things your team needs from you, as a coach, to be unconsciously competent in their performance. 1. The Vision. This is simply crystalizing what they bring to the organization. It is not a mission statement or […]
The most powerful thing you can do to improve as a leader is to work directly on your own leadership skill set. It is not working on the people on your team, not setting goals and targets, not prioritizing and optimizing … it is working on yourself as a person and a leader. Most of […]
The highly anticipated What Exceptional Leaders Know by Tracy Spears & Wally Schmader is now available for purchase through and other booksellers. Here is a summary of seven of the important themes found throughout the book. Exceptional Leaders know that leadership is influence. When you boil down everything a leader can do to […]
So….you’re the boss. Maybe you only have a few people reporting to you, or perhaps you have many. You’ve either worked hard all these years to finally be in charge or you are a young up-and-comer that people are starting to notice. Regardless of the situation, you have some authority and you are ready to […]
You’ve been at your job for a few years or more. You know the job and what is expected of you. You know your employees, what makes them tick, what ticks them off, how to get the most out of them, and what they will do in each situation. You also know the shareholders, the […]
“Let’s schedule a conference call each week to go over the sales pipeline for our team.” Seems logical. Seems like something we should all be paying attention to, so I put it in my calendar for the entire year at 8:30 Central time for every Wednesday morning. We always start promptly at 8:30 and usually […]
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