Author: Tracy Spears
Page: 8
Hiring excellent leaders and coaches is crucial for any organization that wants to grow and thrive, and finding capable leadership isn’t easy. Bad recruiting decisions are costly, and they’re very easy to make. Hiring an ineffective leader or manager can be a huge setback for a company or department. When we hire an ineffective leader, […]
It’s a fundamental part of leadership, so why aren’t people better at it? Here are a few comments from people that admit to being horrible at delegation: “I can do it better myself anyway” “Sometimes it’s an imposition to ask others to help” “I can do it easier and faster” “It will take too long […]
I was sitting on a plane heading back to Tulsa from a convention in San Diego. I had spoken at a national convention and was reflecting on what I could have done to improve the session I led. As I was reflecting, I overheard a conversation behind me between two strangers attempting to make small talk. _____ […]
Here is the premise I would ask you to accept: The most impactful thing you can do to improve as a leader is to work directly on your own skills and understanding of leadership. It is not working on the people on your team, not tracking goals and targets, not prioritizing and optimizing…it is working on […]
It always seems to be oversimplifying to think there is just this ONE thing or THREE blah, blah, blahs….that could ultimately determine someone’s success in a role but I believe there truly is only one question that you must be able to answer to ultimately determine your success: What exactly does success look like in my […]
The first 90 days are critical to the success of a new hire. Most organizations go out of their way to make people feel comfortable when they are first hired on. (Okay…maybe that’s overstated…but we can emphatically agree most leaders go out of their way). During this “honeymoon” period, a lot of things have to happen […]
There is no shortage of information on how to be an effective leader. Anyone who is interested in being a successful leader or manager can keep themselves busy researching and studying the attributes of great leaders. Often, the attributes of successful leaders are presented as character traits. Experts tell us that the best leaders share these qualities […]
They don’t use possessive pronouns.One of the best ways to tell if a leader has evolved is how they share credit with other people. Do they use “we” and “our” pronouns? Or are they always saying “me” and “my”? The minute you use a possessive pronoun as a leader, you are putting yourself above the people you lead. […]
One of the hardest parts of team building is when you have two people that dislike each other so much it causes issues for the rest of the team. I’m not talking about the occasional bickering that goes on in every office. I’m talking about the two people that everyone holds their breath when those […]
Because it’s ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Ordinary, in that they are relatable. Perhaps some of the competitors remind us of a younger version of ourselves, our friends, our neighbors, or maybe even some of our kid’s friends. Most will never make money from the sport they choose but still, they put their life on hold for […]