Author: Tracy Spears

Page: 9

You can’t lead anyone if you aren’t committed to your own personal growth. How can you be trusted to help cultivate other people’s potential when you aren’t living up to your own? It’s one of the biggest reasons people ultimately fail at developing other people…their people simply outgrow them. Most people are utilizing the phrase […]


We all have them…Weekly or bi-weekly staff meetings. Mostly, we…. the leader and the staff….dread them. They go something like this…Not everyone is on time. We spend too much time talking about the weekend. Someone always talks (for way too long) about themselves and their amazing or awful weekend. Nothing new is discussed except for […]


This may be the most important distinction you will ever learn as a leader. Leaders and managers who never learn to discern if their people are “Can’ts or Won’ts,” will have a career of frustration and confusion. They will waste valuable time working with the wrong people, and all metrics will suffer.  Being able to […]


All of us have heard this statement at some point, and it turns out to be true. A recent Gallup survey showed that just over 50% of employees who have quit their job have done so to get away from their bosses. Another study concluded in 2016, put the number right at 75%. That’s a […]


There have been hundreds of books, blogs, and articles written about how to gain influence as a leader over the years. The book that is generally regarded as the first leadership book ever written, The Art of War written by Sun Tzu well over 2000 years ago, was focused on this subject. Thousands of leadership books later, […]


The objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.  Jim Rohn There is no shortage of information on how to be an effective leader. Anyone who is interested in being a successful leader or manager can keep […]


I recently traveled to Copenhagen as a speaker for the Signature Leaders program.  One of the best parts of the meeting for me was listening to the many things the speaker panel had to say about their biggest leadership lessons. Here are a few of the highlights when asked about the biggest lessons each had […]


Unconscious bias…and the effect it has on teams and organizations…is one of the most serious leadership challenges today. There are lots of reasons for this, but let’s start with the most obvious one; that any business risk that is not conscious or immediately understood is daunting. Let’s start by getting on the same page with […]


Are you in a company that has gotten so entrenched in metrics and EBITDA that your people are wondering if they really matter? Do you need a reboot? Or a “wipe the slate clean” so you can erase the negative energy and begin again? Of course, we all have to focus on the profitability of our […]


My guess, it’s probably not something that you think about until it’s so low you can’t stand being around anyone. Are you more or less in tune with the employee experience at your company than you were 5-10 years ago? If you’re not as concerned, is it because unemployment is high and more qualified candidates are […]
