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I have a super cool job. I get to travel the world and meet amazing people. At a recent leadership training for Signature Leaders, I met Janet VanWormer. We were having a discussion about women in leadership. We were talking about self-limiting beliefs and ways women sabotage their credibility. In the middle of the discussion, Janet offered the […]


You’ve no doubt seen many articles about the incident that happened at a Philadelphia Starbucks leading the company to shut down all of its stores for four hours one day to hold a racial bias training for all of their employees. It’s unfortunate it took such an incident for such a training to happen, but I commend […]


Energy is your most crucial asset. What makes it especially important for leaders is that it dictates how you can deploy your other leadership assets. Your intellect, your attention, your sensitivity, your ability to listen and understand, your patience… these are all subject to your energy level. It could be said that personal energy is […]


High-performance organizations and teams depend on accountability. It’s the fuel that great teams run on, and a lack of true accountability is almost always the reason why some organizations underperform. Here’s a definition of accountability we can probably all agree on: Accountability = The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, […]


My business partner, Wally Schmader, introduced the “One Question” to me about 10 years ago. We were trying to figure out how to get people to be more strategic about their business plans for the coming year. Every year we would do an elaborate goal-setting meeting, only to have people leave with the same big […]


Hiring excellent leaders and coaches is crucial for any organization that wants to grow and thrive, and finding capable leadership isn’t easy. Bad recruiting decisions are costly, and they’re very easy to make. Hiring an ineffective leader or manager can be a huge setback for a company or department. When we hire an ineffective leader, […]


It’s a fundamental part of leadership, so why aren’t people better at it? Here are a few comments from people that admit to being horrible at delegation: “I can do it better myself anyway” “Sometimes it’s an imposition to ask others to help” “I can do it easier and faster” “It will take too long […]


I was sitting on a plane heading back to Tulsa from a convention in San Diego. I had spoken at a national convention and was reflecting on what I could have done to improve the session I led. As I was reflecting, I overheard a conversation behind me between two strangers attempting to make small talk.  _____ […]


Here is the premise I would ask you to accept: The most impactful thing you can do to improve as a leader is to work directly on your own skills and understanding of leadership. It is not working on the people on your team, not tracking goals and targets, not prioritizing and optimizing…it is working on […]


It always seems to be oversimplifying to think there is just this ONE thing or THREE blah, blah, blahs….that could ultimately determine someone’s success in a role but I believe there truly is only one question that you must be able to answer to ultimately determine your success:  What exactly does success look like in my […]
